
Ensuring safety and consistency through the full lifecycle of drug development

Our pharmacovigilance team is dedicated to offering services to global providers of drugs, vaccines, medical devices and cosmetics throughout their full lifecycle. Whether they are undergoing a clinical trial, or commercialization, we have the know-how. Even though pharmacovigilance becomes more challenging, team of global experts can quickly respond to our clients with solutions that help manage products for the entire lifecycle.

Pharmacovigilance in clinical trials

As part of the clinical trials, the team assists in developing relevant strategies and plans. They conduct the clinical trial within strict protocols while managing risk effectively to ensure regulatory compliance. 

Post-marketing pharmacovigilance

We can make quick responses and update relevant processes by leveraging our expertise. 

Pharmacovigilance consulting and inspection

We offer services ranging from set-up, internal inspection and improvement of a PV 

system, consulting, and customized training to special inspections.


Pharmacovigilance system

·  Oracle Argus Safety

·  Oracle Empirica

·  China’s local pharmacovigilance system.

How can we help? Please fill in the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible.